USF | Universal Service Fund MWUSF | Universal Service Fund MWUSF | Universal Service Fund MW
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USF | Universal Service Fund MWUSF | Universal Service Fund MWUSF | Universal Service Fund MW



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The Community Broadband Operators project is aimed at providing broadband services in the areas that are not covered yet and are not investment attractive, these mainly are in rural and hard to reach areas across Malawi.



Currently, mobile network coverage with broadband is the main access to the internet in most parts of the country. The Mobile Network Operators in Malawi mainly focus in areas that have great prospects of bigger average revenue per user (ARPU) in the local areas. In Malawi, 80 – 85% of the population lives in rural areas where the major challenges have been infrastructure, affordability of both devices and access to e-services, digital skills, and availability of relevant content. Internet penetration is at less than 40% with a greater percentage of the connected being in cities and other developed areas across Malawi. The Communities have the power to take the lead to build their own networks. With this, they will create a digital society that is digitally savvy in content creation, enhanced problem-solving skills, access and usage of e-commerce platforms, access and usage of digital financial payment systems across different economies of the world, and indeed a plethora of human development options. USF is championing the implementation of the Community Broadband Operators to create self-sustaining networks in rural areas, develop local digital content, and create value for commercial purposes among other things that will contribute to the development of the nations Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The initiative targets 2 Million people without broadband connectivity and improves access to affordable broadband service to 3 Million people in less-served areas in.

Yathu Yathu Data Operators Application Form

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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